
The Church of the Holy Cross is a parish of The Diocese of Albany in The Episcopal Church and part of The Worldwide Anglican Communion. We are an Oxford Movement church, which means our roots are the catholic tradition of the English church. A reformed catholic church, the parish stems from the church in England that began in the 1st century and was recovered and renewed by the 16th century English Reformation, the 17th and 18th century Caroline Divines, and the 19th century Oxford Movement/Catholic Revival. Our beliefs are rooted in the Bible and encapsulated in the Prayer Book and the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds contained therein, the 39 Articles, and the Tractarian writings, particularly the Tracts for the Times.


The Church of the Holy Cross is an Episcopal parish family worshipping in the Anglo-Catholic tradition, grounded in Holy Scripture, and committed to serving God in our community. 

Who We Are

We are Anglo-Catholics. We believe the proclamation of the Gospel in both Word and Sacrament is the means of Grace through which we encounter the resurrected Jesus Christ. We are informed by the creeds, councils, liturgies, prayers, and teachings the Church has held throughout the centuries particularly as embodied in The Prayer Book. We worship ad orientem (facing east) following the traditional Rite 1 of The Book of Common Prayer (Elizabethan language). 

We are grounded in Holy Scripture. We are anchored by the evangelical Apostolic Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ's saving incarnation, death, and resurrection as heard afresh in the 16th century Reformation and the Church's direct return to Holy Scripture. Our ministries, preaching, and teaching at Holy Cross are rooted in the Bible.

We are committed to serving God in our community. We are expectant of the Holy Spirit's activity today in the Church and in our communities in healing, gifting, equipping, and knitting us together in fellowship and service in our parish and community.