
Hello and welcome to the Church of the Holy Cross webpage, we are so glad you are here!

We are the Episcopal (Anglican) parish of Warrensburg, New York–a lovely town in the southern Adirondack mountains. An Oxford Movement parish from the outset and a part of The Episcopal Diocese of Albany, we are both evangelical and catholic and committed to the catholic tradition of Anglicanism as inherited through the English Reformation, the Caroline Divines, and the 19th century Oxford Movement.

Do take a moment to explore our webpage on which you will get a taste of who we are and what we are about: rich in history, Anglo-Catholic in churchmanship, rooted in the Holy Scriptures and the Prayer Book, committed to the work of God's Holy Spirit today, a warm and welcoming family who loves to fellowship, and home to the Albany Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham (to name but a few of our hallmarks). 

We hope that, ultimately, you will come and see! Our main service–Rite 1 Holy Eucharist–is on Sundays at 9am, at which you will experience Scripturally-grounded evangelical preaching and teaching, traditional Anglo-Catholic worship, and warm hospitality and fellowship. 

Again, thank you for visiting our webpage and we hope to see you soon. 


Fr. Radcliff+
